Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thursday September 11, 2014-Burlington Bay Campground

I want to begin today's entry with a moment of silence for the victims of the attack on the World Trade Center. 

Most of the folks have arrived for the rally, so this afternoon we had our meet and greet and a wine and cheese tasting sponsored by MN chapter members Bob and Lynn. They have gathered different wines from states that they have visited as well as a variety of cheeses that accompany the wine. Unfortunately it began to rain during the event, so we all ended up under their EZ Up until the rain stopped. 

We all went across the street to a delicious brat meal, furnished by the Johnsonville Brat Co. The meal was great and we gathered around the campfire which felt good! A group of us sat outside by the fire until late when the cool temps sent us packing. The weather guessers were saying that we could have frost tonight and low temperatures in the 30's. Of course the frost didn't happen but we did have some cold temperatures. The difference here is that we on Lake Superior, so we get the winds off the lake which makes it seem colder. We'll survive but will have to bundle up more. Actually, this is not a bad place to be when the temps in Texas are still in the 90's+. I can deal with this!

So long.

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