Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday November 11 through Saturday November 13, 2010-Rayford Crossing RV Resort

Thursday, I took Stella to work and did my chores at Timber Ridge. I came back home and showed off the new truck all day. Everyone complimented us on the new truck and we all had a good laugh about the mud flaps. Our friends Bob and Christina went with me to pick Stella up after work and we went to Mel's Diner for supper. It was another great meal there but Bob wouldn't try the huge Mel's burger. I don't blame him, I wouldn't try it either. It's just too big! I guess its true that size matters.

Well, the saga of the drama of buying a new truck just goes on and on... On Friday, I was on my way to the EZ Tag store to get another tool road sticker for the new truck when I stopped by the dealership to speak with their resident diesel expert in the service department because I had some questions about the new truck's maintenance and a few other questions. After getting my questions answered-there are A LOT of maintenance requirements on these new diesel trucks-I left the dealership to find the EZ Tag store. After driving down the beltway for a way, I realized that I didn't have a MVI sticker on the truck. This is a requirement, and I know it should have been attached, so I promptly turned around and went back to the dealership to see about it. One of the service advisors said it would be about 30 minutes, so I went to the lounge to wait. The longer I sat there, the madder I got. I decided to go see the sales manager and tell him about the problems, including the wrong mud flaps on the truck. Long story short is that, although I didn't get any relief from the sales managers, one of them had already noticed the flaps and before he could call to get them changed, my new best friend Charron Marshall, who works in the service department also, had already gotten it taken care of. She was very helpful in another matter, the fact that there are no valve stem extensions for the wheels, which means that it's very difficult to check the air pressure in your tires. She made a valiant effort to try to help me but we couldn't find anything that looked good that would help. At least she tried. Before I left, I spoke at length with Kent, my finance guy, about all my problems and issues with the purchase of my truck and he promised to look into it and will get back to me. We'll see what he can do, but I'm not holding my breath. At least I got my safety sticker.

I was at the dealership all day long, so when I left to pick up Stella after work, I got into a heavy traffic jam after a rail crossing arm had come down and was now blocking the road. The cars and trucks had to dodge around the arms but it caused a huge traffic backup. I finally picked her up and we went home and stayed in all night, forgetting about the Friday night bingo in the Rayford room.

Saturday, there was a potluck breakfast at the park. We got into the line first, so I could take Stella to work and came back home and sat in my chair and napped for most of the day. I had spent most of my week in the car dealership and was tired, so I used Saturday to rest up. I did manage to wake up in time to pick her up after work. We stopped at the James Coney Island for supper. I was in charge of the karaoke night at the park, so we had to grab a quick bite and get on back home and I could go get things ready. We had a pretty good turnout for our first time, and instead of asking for individual songs, we just let the CD play and sang along with it. We all had a good time and stayed down there until almost midnight. I feel certain that we will do karaoke again but I don't know when.

It was a very eventful week for us and we are both exhausted. We only have a few more things to do to return the truck to full use and we should be able to get it done by next week. Wish us luck.

So long.


Ted and Donna said...

It took us a long time to get the sticker, license, EZ tag, insurance and title! I know of what you speak!! It just takes time but gets annoying while you are waiting. Hope the extra gas tank is in place. That's one more thing to cross off the list.

cruzin2some said...

Nice truck. Nothing is easy anymore.

Travel Safe