Friday, March 26, 2010

Monday March 22, 2010-Stephen F. Austin SP

We got up this morning and had breakfast with our friends Gene and Linda and Len and Peggy. Stella fixed a breakfast casserole for everyone, and I built a fire in the pit and we sat around the fire all day long.

Stella and I did our chores periodically all day, and kept our bathrooms sparkling. Most of the park guests that were here for spring break were now gone, so it was quiet and peaceful again. The weather was spectacular, a great change from the cold winds of yesterday. Gene and Linda rode their bikes every day around the park. I took walks around the large loop every day, so everyone tried to stay healthy in spite of the amount of food that we had.

Peggy fixed us a spaghetti dinner this afternoon, complete with a salad with garlic bread and all the fixin's. It was a great meal with our friends. We had leftover pie and brownies from yesterday for dessert. Since Gene and I had picked up all the firewood that had been left behind, we had plenty to have a fire all day that we just hung out around the pit all day and into the evening.

We are so blessed to have so many friends.

So long.

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