Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday March 30, 2010-Stephen F. Austin SP

Stella fixed us another good breakfast this morning and as soon as I could, I went outside to enjoy the weather. It is so peaceful here in this state park. There are few other trailers here and almost no traffic. It is nice to sit outside and watch the birds and squirrels at the feeder. The other park guests that occasionally walk by are very friendly and we will miss the shady, wooded sites.

I bought the book "The Blind Side" yesterday and started reading it while sitting outside. It is one of the best books that I have ever read! It is so heartwarming to read the true story of Michael Oher and his adopted family. I have heard from others that have seen the movie that it's a great story and now I believe it. I read over 200 pages of the book today and will finish it tomorrow. I can highly recommend this book and I'm sure that the movie is every bit as good.

We did our chores around the park today for the last time this year. Tomorrow is our day off and we are leaving on Thursday for Rayford Crossing, so we are done with working for awhile. Our next work camping gig will be at Timber Ridge Village in Magnolia next month.

Stella fixed us her special smothered steak for supper. It is rapidly becoming my favorite meal. I think she found it on one of the Food Network shows on television. Ask her about it the next time you see her, maybe she'll fix it for you.

This will be a short entry today, but you can just thank me, no applause is necessary.

So long.

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