Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday March 21, 2010-Stephen F. Austin SP

We woke to cold weather again....will winter never leave? At least we didn't have any snow here like Dallas got! It was very cold in the trailer because of course, the propane ran out during the night and Stella didn't wake me to go switch tanks. Poor little Cassie was snuggled up on me just a tight as she could be, and still shivering. I went outside and changed the tanks over, and it warmed up nicely.

We had a Colorado reunion scheduled for today. Tommy and Susan were coming down and bringing Dick and his wife Eugenia and of course Gene and Linda and Len and Peggy who were already here. Ted and Donna also came, so it was a nice group. We haven't seen them in quite awhile, so it was a nice get together. The only problem was the weather, windy and cold.

We had a great deal of munchies, chips and dips, summer sausage, several kinds of cheeses, hot crackers (my favorite), and lots of crackers. Linda made sloppy Joe sandwiches, calico beans, cole slaw, potato salad, so there was PLENTY to eat. Susan fixed some brownies and Peggy fixed a banana pudding. Donna had been wanting a piece of coconut pie, so Stella fixed one, but was told that since there was so much other stuff to eat, to keep it at home. She later fixed Ted and Donna some of the pie to take home. I know she appreciated it, and we were glad to be able to give her some of the pie that she wanted.

Gene and I went to the group area and picked up a lot of firewood that they had left there. My neighbor had given me his firewood that he wasn't going to use, so we had plenty of wood to burn. Gene made a nice fire in his firepit and we all sat around the fire, keeping warm and chatting. I had brought two of our brand new chairs, but when I got out of mine, the wind blew it into the fire, burning a large hole in the seat back. It's not ruined, but it doesn't look too good. Maybe we can find a cover to put over the burned material.

Tommy and his group left promptly at 2 just like he said he was going to do. I think Gene was wanting to get home to watch NASCAR on television. Ted and Donna stayed and we had a very nice visit. It was a very nice day and we were sorry to see them leave, but they had a long drive back to the Woodlands. The rest of us continued to sit outside, enjoying the day.

Those of us that were hungry had some of the leftovers, but honestly, we were all pretty full. We sat out until well after dark and turned in. It was a great day with good friends.

So long.

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