Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday March 17, 2010-Stephen F. Austin SP

Today is our day off and we have a lot of places to go and things to do. We had first planned to bring the boys home today so they could have some time there during spring break, but they were having such a good time up here, they wanted to stay. They called their mom and she said they could stay for another couple of days, so that is one place we didn't have to go to.

I had called Kristine Schaffner, so that we could meet for lunch. Kristine was the Fire Marshal in Manvel while I was there and we have stayed in touch via Facebook. She brought Mike Jaimes, the ex Animal Control/Code Enforcement officer in Manvel and David Davila, one of the former Police Officers in Manvel to have lunch with us. Remember me telling you about running into Chief Garcia the other day? Well the tale just goes on and on. I'll tell you about it one day, I promise.

We had a nice lunch at Kelly's restaurant in Alvin. When we got through, we had to hurry up because a man named Eddie Gant was coming by to look at the house. We had met him through a friend and since he is an investor in properties like ours, he was very interested. He was right on time, and after about an hour or so of inspection, he took all of his information and said he will call me back.

We were supposed to go pick up my platform that Ken is making for me to carry the porch and steps when we are traveling. He called this morning to tell me that the paint was not drying like he thought it would and could we come another time. We told him that we could, so there is another stop off our list.

We had some papers and coats and sweaters that we didn't need in the trailer for awhile, so we went to the storage unit in Texas City. We dropped the items off and left and started back to San Felipe. We had stopped to transfer some fuel when we got a call from Eddie. You didn't think I was just going to leave you hanging about selling the house did you? Well, he made us an offer and after a short talk with Stella, I called him back and we accepted his offer. It is not what the house is worth, and a little less than what we wanted, but it will be a cash deal, so we decided to let it go. Actually, at this point, we would have taken just about any reasonable offer, so are delighted to have this offer. Eddie said he will email me the contract and other paperwork and when we get it filled out, to call him and we would make arrangements to get the papers to him. YIPPEE!!!

We came on back home, elated to have a deal working on the house.

So long.

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