Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday February 21, 2012-Caddo Lake NWR

Another late start, well relatively late-9:30 or so -but we were busy for most of the morning. Todd and I went to the magazine to store the float materials so the trailer can be used again. It was amazing that it took so long to assemble everything and such a short time to take it down. There is so much material stored in the huge warehouses that it blows my mind. There is everything from more trailers to boats and office equipment. Some of the stuff is owned by the State of Texas, from the state park across the street from the refuge. They apparently had a water problem in their storage area and "borrowed" some over here.

We got some new neighbors yesterday afternoon, Ron and Linda. They have volunteered here before and have done some great educational programs and will do them again during their stay here. All of us went out when they backed their trailer in and helped them to get set up. I helped Ron add hydraulic fluid to his pump reservoir and then helped him to get his satellite "homed in". It makes me love my Carryout even more when I see the irritation on other people's faces when they try to get tuned in. After spending about an hour helping Ron successfully get television service, I came back home and took a break (nap).

Linda wanted to have a happy hour about 4:30 on the covered patio at the visitors center, which we went to. We had a nice time visiting with the other volunteers and stayed out until a little after 6, when it was time to go lock the gates for the night. We saw a lot of deer tonight, many more than usual, but everything checked out fine and we made it home in time for NCIS. That's the only TV show that I watch every week, and I hate to miss a new show.

It still gets chilly at night, but its warming up during the days. I'll be glad for summer to return but its been a good winter with no serious cold weather. Of course, during the summer, we'll be somewhere that its cool, so I guess you could say that we have the perfect lifestyle. Get back to me when we're a couple of thousand miles from home and diesel fuel is $6.00 a gallon...

So long.

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