Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday March 10, 2009

We stayed in the trailer today. The guys from Steve's Wash came by early this morning and washed and waxed our trailers. There were five guys scrambling all over the trailers. they started with Ted's and when they got through washing his, two of them used squeegees to dry the sides while the others started washing mine down. They really had a good system to get the trailers done, and got through with both trailers in less than two hours. Both trailers looked brand new.

I went with Ted and Donna over to the flea market fruit and vegetable stand where I bought some tomatoes and oranges. We now have plenty of fresh fruit and veggies to last us awhile.

Stella and I walked up to the rally hall and paid the remainder of our bill and the electric for our site. Zina had made a mistake on the amount we owed when we checked in, and we corrected her mistake. The electric bill was only $1.00 per day, a reasonable amount, so now when we leave on Friday, we are all paid up.

Stella made some of her goulash or soup and some cornbread that the four of us had for lunch. After lunch, we all sat outside chatting when one of the park maintenance guys came by to cut the grass. We asked him not to cut it today since our trailers had just been washed, and he said okay but wanted to trim some of the higher grass around the water spigot. I hope we didn't get him in trouble with the manager.

We went to Hooters with Tom and Judy for supper. Judy had never been to Hooters so it was a real treat for her. We all had a good time and got back to the park in time for Ted and I to watch NCIS on television.

Another laid-back day in Donna....

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