Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday February 28, 2012-Caddo Lake NWR

The weather is warming up here. It didn't get nearly as cold as it has been getting and the days are up in the high 60's. It's good shirtsleeve weather. I'll be glad to be back in shorts soon.

I told Todd I would come down to the fire hall and help him build the framework for the new signs today. Rain had been forecast and we decided it would be a good day to work in the shop. I had forgotten how hard it is to actually do physical work, getting down on hand and knees and throwing 4 X 4's around. I was exhausted by the end of the day. We took a nice break for lunch but I came home and relaxed in my recliner. Missing a meal won't hurt me!

We signed up to work on Saturday on a project for the Texas Parks and Wildlife. They had an artist come over and draw some pictures on the walls of one of the old storage magazines to illustrate invasive wildlife. We will be coloring the drawings using chalk. If these drawings turn out okay, they will use paint to replace the chalk, but that will be a very long process and we will be gone.

I am starting to worry about our summer trip this year. Much higher fuel prices are being forecast with gasoline being $5 per gallon. That means that diesel will be $5.50 or so. That will mean our fuel bill for our planned 5000 mile trip will be raised by thousands of dollars. Of course, groceries, clothing and everything else will pay the price of higher fuel, so I don't know how all this will play out. We'll see...

So long.

1 comment:

Rick and Brenda said...

I definitely understand about the fuel prices, as we are not going to Washington this year with the rig.
We are glad that you are enjoying your volunteering stint, as we did at out various locations.
Maybe we will see you during the winter. We are volunteering at Lake Livingston again this fall and winter.